The shape of grief

11 minute read
The experience of losing our pet cat, Percy, the grief that followed, and some reflections on that grief.

Big O? Big "ohhhhhh" 💡

6 minute read
A practical introduction to big O notation. What is it? What's it good for? We'll dive into a practical approach to understand big O notation, and how we can use it in our daily lives effectively.

Optimizing Chunk Access

3 minute read
How to performantly access voxel storage by taking advantage of CPU cache lines.

Delving Into SSAO

6 minute read
An introduction to screen-space ambient occlusion, a technique for shading pixels based on how much they are blocked by nearby geometry.

Greedy Voxel Meshing

2 minute read
A brief explanation of greedy meshing for voxel data, along with an animation to help explain the process.

static_assert in C++11

4 minute read
A light discussion on the use of static_assert, with an example of building an "all true" function

Java Annotations: A [Somewhat] Brief Introduction

6 minute read
A look into Java annotations, what you can use them for and how you can write your own.

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